It's also thicker and requires more effort to move it through the cooling sytem. One issue I've seen, even with high conventional antifreeze, low water percentages, and the reason people don't run straight antifreeze, is that it's too thick to shed heat, compared to water. If you read the information about the waterless coolant, it expands 7% when it gets hot, just like regular coolant. Using Moly is a lot like using PTFE, which people have been doing in motor oils for a long time.

To reiterate, I wish I had a few GTS test engines. It started out as API SA, and is now at API SN. Lastly, if API, JASO, etc specs were lacking, wouldn't the vehicle manufacturers demand more rigorous specs? Oh, wait, they do! API engine oil specs have continuously been changed to meet the demands of engine needs over time.

However, such engines are not operated for the periods of time as normal vehicles, and oil is typically changed after each race. Yes, some racers use additives to get some of the engine performance benefits that can be achieved. The only tried and true approach to minimizing the detrimental effect of particulates is to change your oil before the particulate level gets too high. Equally important is how the oil handles particulate matter and other combustion byproducts, and no additive can reduce particulate matter. The biggest misconception about lube oil is that it is all about lubrication. These standards are based on the needs of engines and gear trains being manufactured, and oil blended to these standards are specified by vehicle manufacturers, who build their engines and gear trains based on the lab proven performance of such rated lubricants. Lubricating oils are blended to meet the service standards of organizations such as API, JASO, ILSAC, ACEA and ASTM. In fact, the only "independent lab" material I have ever run across refutes the value of such additives. Now, one commonality one finds with oil additives is that although they say their claims are backed by "research" and "independent labs", I have yet to see one vendor that identified those labs. Our information is based on thorough research and may be considered reliable, although not legally binding.