
Equal sugar
Equal sugar

equal sugar

Think of it this way: Whole foods contain a natural package of health promoting substances, like calcium, magnesium, potassium and fiber (from fruits). Natural sugars are found in foods like yogurt, milk and fruits, and they don’t lead to the same health problems that added sugars do. In order to dial back the damage, you need to learn a few sugar facts first. Over time, added sugars can mess up your metabolism, play a role in weight problems, raise the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and tooth decay, exacerbate acne and more. It probably doesn’t take a nutrition or medical genius to recognize that this amount of sugar isn’t doing us any favors, but it’s important to point out just how damaging it can be. Up to 75 percent of packaged foods, including breakfast cereals, granola bars, flavored yogurts (even the fruit-flavored varieties), soups, breads and condiments, contain added sugars, causing us to take in excessive amounts - whether you’re having dessert or not. While this example may seem extreme outside of a rare holiday, a review of packaged foods found that sugar has crept into our food supply in astonishing numbers.


Let’s break that down: It’s about equal to a serving of jelly beans plus nine Hershey’s Kisses plus a couple of Double Stuf Oreos, plus a couple of brownies. The average American consumes almost 20 teaspoons of sugar per day.

Equal sugar